Monday, January 24, 2011

Ripples in the rain - Drought

The sun blazed on brightly. For a week now. The rains had stopped as abruptly as they had begun. And the sun had come back with a vengeance. The climate was horribly hot, combined with the humidity levels that had set in, making life generally miserable.

Ratna drew a deep puff from his almost over ciggie and dropped it on the floor and squashed it. The evening buses were ready to depart from office. He looked yearningly at the packs of people moving towards the buses and to resume whatever resemblance of a social life that they had. Resemblance that he didnt have. He returned to his cubicle.

He sat down in his swivel chair, brought his system out of hibernation and stared at the screen. He leaned back and brought back that night to his mind. The night he dropped Malini...

She stood with her hand on the door and asked one more time.."Anytime?"

It was almost like a challenge.He responded " yeah anytime"

She laughed and walked away. He stood there watching her leave. Suddenly she stopped and turned back and walked towards the car. He reached out and opened the door. She stood in the doorway and smiled.

"Thanks..My number is 9323321224." and she walked off.

Ratna had stored the number happily in his mobile that night.But that was the beginning. He had shot out a sms the next day saying that he hoped it rained that night. There was no reply. He didn't have the courage to call up that number. What if it was someone else's number? What if it was her number and she didnt like that he called? Questions numerous he asked himself. Then answered the same himself. If it wasn't her number then he would just apologize. And moreover she didn't look like she would lie about her number. And if she hadn't wanted him to call or message then why give the number.

Still he had not called or messaged in that number for almost a week now. As luck would have it, there was no rain for a week. He had gone to the teashop almost on a daily basis but there was no sign of her. He had stopped count of how many times a day he picked up his mobile just to glance at the contact page. Even more than the number of times he had picked it up when it vibrated thinking it might be her.

He went on with his work and put her thoughts out of his mind. The day went on and before he knew, his stomach started to grumble. It was time to leave and to get some food inside him. He packed up and left office.

As he drove down the OMR, he drew on his lit cigarette and tapped the ash away. He had neared the tea shop where he has now become a regular customer. He checked his box and found it half full. There was no need to buy anymore ciggies. He didnt stop as usual and proceeded to drive down to home.

He entered his flat and parked the car. Just as he was closing the gate, his mobile vibrated. Another email, he thought. But the vibrations were continuing. It was a call.

He picked up the phone.

"Hello, Ratna??? "


"Malini here....can i talk to you?"


Viji said...

i thought ratna saved the no? he texted her. When he realised that he's getting a call, was he not excited?

Unknown said...

Have answered ur question...impatient arent you ?