Thursday, October 23, 2008


The first acronym is something that is well known to all…THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY. The second acronym is something that has come up in recent times…OH MY GOD ANOTHER WEEKEND. This is a rising trend among working professionals nowadays who feel at home at office rather than at home (confusing phrasing of words there). These people are confused with those career-oriented people who seem to sacrifice their lives to move up the corporate ladder. But the majority of this group doesn’t fall into this particular stream because of this reason but because of the level of comfort that they find.

I fall into the OMGAW group precisely for this reason. During the week, I canter off to office with all the enthusiasm that can I possibly muster. But the level drops considerably during the course of the week and by Wednesday, I can’t wait for Friday to come as soon as possible. But once you cross the mid-line on Friday, you start scheduling plans for the weekend and find out that there is nothing on the horizon. This is when the TGIF mood moves to OMGAW mindset.

You frantically try to fix up something or the other. You call up old friends and find out they are either married or moved away from the city. You try desperately to get into some house parties for the weekend and find that there is no one to get you into the places. You try to book tickets for movies and entice some of your office mates with those but find they have
a) already seen the movie
b) already planned to see the movie that weekend
c) no tickets are available for the weekends

This is the point in time when the despair of OMGAW sets in and you resign to your fate and decide there is nothing that can be done to resuscitate this weekend. One more weekend of getting harped on by mom to clean your room, by your dad to finish off your certification exams, of endless hours of mind-numbing television reruns…one more weekend to wait for it to end so that Monday can arrive again…to start of the vicious cycle again.

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