Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tagged..i am It now

When my dear friend Viji tagged me, I thought it was just another futile attempt on her part to make me do something in my blog and give some company to the cobwebs.

I am just copying the rules as she lays it, down here. Not that i am going to follow them. I only promise that i will try.


If you are tagged/nominated, you have to post 11 facts about yourself.
Then you answer the 11 questions the tagger has given you; make 11 questions for the people you are going to tag.
Tag 11 more Bloggers.
No tagging back.
The person you tag must have less than 200 followers

Alright, lets get down to business then, shall we?

11 facts about me

Fact no 1: I am a diabetic. Almost everybody I know knows that about me. Then too why say it aloud? because that is the most important fact about me ever. Whatever I am today is because of that. I go about flaunting it as proud as a peacock. Not that it matters nowadays much... a thirty year old diabetic doesnt have much shock value as much as a 18 year old did.

Fact no 2: I hate losing. even when i am hopelessly outnumbered, outclassed i simply refuse to give in. Even when I know when losing is just a formality waiting to get over, i will not give up. This is the most stupidest trait to have and now that i have revealed it, i refuse to play poker with anybody who has read this.

Fact no 3: I love to dance. Learnt Bharathnatyam as a kid and gave it up due to peer pressure. secretly want to start learning again but at 30 guess its too late. Was a crazy dancer back in childhood and can still remember trying to emulate michael jackson and MC Hammer( i know i will regret telling this fact out ...ya ya MC hammer sucks)

Fact no 4: Secretly scared of Cauliflowers and mushrooms. Can never ever eat them consciously. and can never ever digest the fact that people like them. or curd for that matter.or buttermilk too.or ....ok this will take a while.

Fact no 5: Half the time i fake ignorance and innocence while internally laughing it out. I know..very mean of me. But thats where i get my kicks from.

Fact no 6: I cry at good movies. I am not talking about life-changing movies or scenes but at any wonderfully executed piece of motion picture.

Fact no 8: I hate mathematics. But have learnt to use it because I cant survive without it in the business world. I hate excel but right now i excel in that purely brought about by the need.

Fact no 7: I like to cheat. Small small stuff.. Breaking the rules is a fetish i secretly cater to, care for and nourish carefully. I hate getting caught though so I dont do it quite often.

Fact no 9:  I hate cheaters. I know, very hypocritical of me. But for the love of god, I hate cheaters. I somehow manage to justify myself that they are cheating on worse things than me and with a worse effect than me. I somehow manage to belittle my sins and magnify others'

Fact no 10: I am a, will be and forever a comic loving, cartoon-watching, video game playing guy. You may call me a nerd but i just say go acetone ( only a true nerd will get that , pardon my chemistry)

Fact no 11: I had a lot of fun making up ...uh..writing these facts about me. Truly. Seriously man. I swear. K that wasn't a fact. It was obvious. :) . The last fact about me is that I hate to be that person who can't be helpful or is of no use. I will go to any lengths to extend my help and offer it invariably to all those who need it. Friends are ultra special to me and I want to (and at times) pamper them, do anything for them. The only downside is although I may not ask for help, I expect them to do the same for me.

Questions from Viji to me

1) If everyday is a page in your life, would you allow yourself to turn back the pages and refer?
              Oh quite often. I think i am losing my memory like anything and a quick reference to my crimes would be very useful indeed. And one can indeed tear off pages or rewrite the pages na? no? then atleast i can write a new page changing the course of the story.

2.  Mention one book, one movie, one song that changed your life/influenced in some way.
              So many. But I would say the first ever book that changed my life in a big way was "The silence of the lambs" I read this when i was in the 6th grade. I had to steal the book from my dad to read it as it was forbidden for me. That was the wake up call for me to identify the darkness and filth that is around in the world. 

3. "Life is but a dream?"your take. Without doing a google search, do you remember the nursery rhymes that has this line?
            No i dont remember the nursery rhyme and no way to recall as i still haven't got my past life book that i ordered in the first question yet. They say its enroute for delivery but hasnt reached me yet. I fully agree with the above statement. I just make sure I go to sleep with the dream that i want to, pre-fixed. (there was an unintentional pun in the previous statement. 

4. If "love is the best teacher" in the world, having this zest for knowledge and basically ambitious in nature, would you go for more than one love at the same time?
            Obviously. One can never stop learning, can we? 

5. "Something in the air", have you used this vague "something" liner for not so vague action of yours? I can give you an example if you insist. 
              Naah. No examples too please. I dont like to remember vague actions of mine. 

6.  Have you ever wondered, why "love" is a four letter word and "sex" three letters? Is it because "love" takes years to develop and "sex" barely "11 minutes"? Feel free to add your valid points. 
            Enna oru thathuvam. Itha nee thanjavur periya kovil kalula vettitu pakkathla utkarnthu vara pora generations ku eduthu sollanum. I think its the other way around. Love is easy and comes quick. Sex takes time. You know you love someone sooner than you get to have sex with them na. No? okay.

7.  If it takes half your life time to be successful in a career and have barely a decade to retire, where did you fail? Diversions during the "half your life time"?  Eager to hear what these diversions can generally be and should we avoid them or indulge?
         If it takes half your lifetime to get a successful career then possibly you  are in wrong career. And if after a decade you want to retire then that surely wasnt the career you want or should be in. Diversions are plenty and abundant. Indulgence has to be selective and timed. Anytime that you see your "career" take a hit is the time you stop with your diversions. Sometimes it can be too late. So always exercise caution and partake in my policy of postponement of gratification. Makes the indulgence a much more juicier thing.

8. The fruit you like the best or atleast make an effort to eat.  I don't want answers like, "healthy food? no no to me".  The fruits you prefer say a lot about what kind of a person you are.  I have my own version on this, quite elaborate and if not hilarious, "put a smile on your face" versions... after seeing your answers, will write a post on this.
          I am an addict to mangoes. Luscious mangoes. But of just one vareity. I dont know the name of that. In recent days I am addicted to orange juice and indulge extensively. Sorry, I may not be giving you much ammo here. Or have i already given you enough?

9. Define life; Define death - I want your version please
       First i will put what I have read and then my version. Life is a sexually transmitted disease that eventually ends in death. Currently there is no cure for the same. 

My definition of life is living the way you want to , among people you want to , doing things that you want to, hating things that you want to, loving things that you want put it simply..a continuous journey of wants and the exercise in getting them. 

Death is simple. Its just you giving up on your wants. 

10. I am asking you to prepare a story board for a 3 picture comic strip.  Only 3 pics, nothing more and the shorter the better.  I will do a sketch for your storyboard and lets create a rip roaring comic strip/funny/moderately funny. Atleast we can call it ours.

         First frame is me sitting at my system and you peeking into the corner of the frame. Second frame you walk into the frame and stand behind me. Third frame you ask me" Still writing?" 

11. A mistake that I made that i regret throughout my life.

        Too many to list down here. But the underlying factor in all of those mistakes are this. " I have been hasty when i shouldnt have been and did something or said something. Or, I have been too patient and complacent and didnt say something or do something when i should have" 

That's it. 

I dont know many people to tag especially since I dont actively write or read blogs. Please go ahead and tag yourself and do write a post. Its fun. Naan guarantee(* in the voice of the preethi ku naan guarantee ad in tv*)


Viji said...

nicely taken manoj.. Thanks :)