Friday, July 19, 2013

Will this end?

I delay my sleep at night
because I don't want any dreams
stay awake all night
stifling my screams

I don't want to wake up early
hoping for you to shake me
lay writhing around on the bed
Waiting for you instead

Every turn I make
every breath I take
thoughts of you come in a flash
pain rips through me in a gash

I know I have to move on
but have to remember first
for I hold no memory
of you being gone

..miss you dad


Viji said...

You shouldn't have gone,
This early, when things can go wrong,
You should have stayed a decade or two,
To see your grand baby fighting you.

Such a waste you had to leave,
Did you even consider to think of our grief?
I see him turning the lid tight,
All his problems bottled for him to fight.

Not a hand to hug or not a word of comfort,
If only you stayed, he would have had your support,
It pains to see him awake, wishing for sleep to claim,
The blessed sleep to bring your dreams offering some solace...

I see your son struggle, the battles fought alone
Helpless I watch, his strength, anger, courage draining away.
What are you doing there?
When he needs you more than anyone he cares?

Where is your support, gentle warmth?
Why did you go leaving him alone?
Don't you realise without you, he is ailing without cure?
I wish you come back and hug him and assure.

I see this child, tough in exterior,
Wishing for a cry and wanting you to be near.
Is he not your child, you promised to cherish?
Then why did you leave him to fight this unkind world and perish?

I am angry, not knowing where to search for you..
I am scared to see your son, slowly drowning like you,
Please get a grab on him and stay
Hold him till all his pain, ebb away.

You are my only prayer for my dear friend,
I pray to you, please make him happy, till his end.
He is still young to face this world alone,
You wouldn't know the pain, you were never alone.