Friday, December 26, 2014

There is nothing left to lose

I have got a long way to go
There is nothing left to lose anymore
I have got a lot of things to do
There is no going back to the life i knew before

I have come a long way to here
Pushed through hatred and fear
I have done a lot of things till date
Things i have just blamed on fate

I have got a long way to go
and there is no going back to the life i knew before
I have got a long way to go
I am giving everything and nothing left to lose anymore

I have pushed people away from me
I am blinded by the things I see
I have done wrong plenty of times
No point in talking about past crimes

I have got a long way to go
and there is no going back to the life i lived before
I am giving everything i got now
There is nothing left to lose anymore

I have justified my every action in the open
yet I am able to see my guilt and grief deepen
I am not perfect as i would like me to be
But i did point out every fault I did see

I have got a long way to go
I have got a long journey ahead
And there is no going back to the life i lived before
A lot of things to do before I am dead

P.S : Funnily I thought this was my 200th post but i had published a story before this one and that was my 200th post..(yea right...yippeee..time to break out the champagne...) This was supposed to be a sad poem, a depressing poem, because that was the mood i was in but midway my mind changed and i am once again buoyant about the direction my life is going. As always the Phoenix rises...only to burn again...but in the belief that it will rise again. I will keep rising, how many ever times i burn.

Thanks to all the people that I have met in my life. You have all made me who i am today, some more , some people less. Loneliness is not a physical state. Its a mental state. I chose to be lonely and I will possibly continue that way. Thanks to all the people who are trying to draw me out. Dont stop trying. 


Viji said...

need to read a cheerful post. possible?

Viji said...

waiting for a poetry