Thursday, October 23, 2008

Progress or Pro environ???

This is the start of a new category in my blog….illustrated wisdom.

And this is a fitting example of what you can expect in this particular set. I am going to draw my inspiration from Calvin and Hobbes and Dilbert and any other funny strips that I can get my hand upon and discuss the same.

The statements that calvin makes from time to time makes me wish for only one thing..that he never grows up. That he never grows up to inherit the earth in the present state it is in.

The cost of development has destroyed whatever few vistas have been left over from the previous era. In place of the trees and landscape now we have metallic and glass structures popping up all over the place. If someone comes up and talks about the loss of such natural resources and beauty, they are immediately termed as being in the line of development and progress.

What should one person do…to stand up against such destruction of beauty and nature or to align with the forces of development which aim to put the food on the table right now rather than the pleasure to the eyes of the future generation?

No one can come to a decision on this one and the jury is still out…having a smoke and enjoying the steel giants littering up our landscape