Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to make Monday more interesting

I write this on a weekend. It goes about to show as to how much the impending  Monday morning blues have affected me over my long( it isn't really, just a decade long, but it feels that way) career. So with my experience of working in multiple organizations and in running multiple organizations, I decided it's time to share some of the things I do, to make Monday seem interesting.

Step 1: Start early

The best thing to do when facing hell is to face it earlier. I always tend to make it to office a bit earlier on Mondays than any other days. This prepares you for the shit that happens the rest of the day. It wont make it any easier and sometimes you will feel like you preempted your own suffering but its better to get it over with. It also gives you enough time to prepare to make someone else's Monday worse than yours. Revenge is best not served cold or hot but in magnitude and multitude. So lets go out and spread the love and the hate. Think of innovative and intricate ways to increase the fan base for Monday haters. I do this too.

Step 2: Start earlier

I start even earlier. I start work on a Sunday. That way, it doesn't look like any different from the normal routine of a weekday. Also, It is much more peaceful and quite on a Sunday and you can get some work done without any distractions, delays or deliberations with your colleagues. And you can sit back on a Sunday, no stuffy clothes.. i mean formal clothes, you still have to wear something to office.

Step 3: Create a crisis

There is nothing more fun and more productive than a crisis. Trust me. You can check it out yourself. Look at the various times you have seen your office security guards moving about idly, chatting around and basically looking like they have a jolly life. It may or may not be true but the perception is what i am talking about here. Now look at the same guards when there is a crisis, say a fire, or a blown fuse or even something as mundane as changing the light bulb in the parking area overhead light. They are a buzz of energy and activity. Transform this to every department inside your office. Just think of how a crisis can make people more active and more efficient and just more fun to hang out with. So do something. Start a fire, no no not literally, we wouldn't want to get arrested for Arson would we? Create micro crisis on a Monday and just enjoy the pandemonium that unfolds.

Step 4: Create gossip

Before you naysayers start belittling me for suggesting something like this...hold on. Whatever said and done, rumors are going to be there around the office. Even God got to know about Eve and the apple through the grapevine..or some other equally reliable sources. People are always creating something new. We are basically very creative people and we need to release our creative juices or otherwise we implode. So for those people who are not in a creative industry, say like the news media or the PM's office, you need to start telling creative tales a.k.a gossip to relieve yourself. And its good fun. Trust me. Wouldn't it be great to hear about how Mani watchman was seen with Gokila madam from Accounting in Sardar theatre on Saturday night? although Mani may be a seventy year old man with partial hearing and fully blind and Gokila madam was in Cherrapunji eating kanji.

Step 5: Dont do any productive work

This may or may not be different from what you normally do on the other days. If normally you manage to give like 3 or 4 hours of productivity, do one thing or rather dont do any thing. Stop working on Monday. Dont do any work on monday. Go through the motions. What is the point in doing work on Monday and getting screwed over however good or bad the work is. Stop it. Stop working.

Step 6: Dont go to office.

This isnt anything new to offer, because all of us have done this at some point or the other. Monday is the day when our grandmom,(may god rest her soul) died for the 4th time that year, when your bike had an accident and it would take the entire day of Monday to rectify it, when you fell down in your bathroom and wouldnt be able to come to office as it is too serious for working on monday but should be alright to coming in on a tuesday, when you suffer from very high fever, a result of rubbing onion on your forehead and dipping the thermometer in tea. So work on your creativity and come up with the best excuses this side of the globe. Just imagine, you have decided not to work but your manager may be working. It is your duty to make his day better. Give him a good reason to laugh. Make it as wacky as possible.

Step 7: Stop reading this.

Thats it. The post is done. Stop reading more ideas here. Please feel free to add any suggestions as comments. I am planning to publish this as a book if I get enough ideas. Facebook also promised me one cent if anybody shares this on their wall. I shall give you a mention in my speech to the bank manager on the people that i fooled to make my fortune. Good day folks. 


Viji said...

lol... good one... the style lucid sparkling with your trademark humour and quite an analysis... I am sure this post is going to be a hit, like your friday posts... :)

Great going Manoj... keep your ideas flowing. Maybe you should be tired hearing this from me, but I don't want your talent to get wasted.


Viji said...

Oh already commented... read it again. Cant remember how many times...