Tuesday, July 1, 2008

its so boring !!!!

Its been a long time since I wrote anything…not because I have been busy with work, but because I have hit a slump. I couldn’t jus think of anything interesting to write upon…once again not because there is nothing interesting happening out there but probably because that it just doesn’t grab my interest any more…

One of my close friends had recently wrote on a topic that is close to my heart…rather a topic that has piqued my interest (probably that is the reason you people are forced to read this scribble right now). The topic was BOREDOM. (no yawning please….i know it’s a boring topic to talk about)

Why do people get bored? What is the factor that makes anything boring? For everyone once upon a time that particular entity (people or thing) was interesting. At what point did it cease to be interesting or normal and change into something dreary and boring? Even treading down the line seems to be a boring activity to me. Aaah why do I say this is boring. Is it because of the mundane nature of the task…is it because of the repetitive iterations?

who was the first person who was bored..if i ask this question to a guy...he would say ADAM with the incessant nagging of EVE...if i ask a girl she would say EVE by the constant bragging of ADAM.....i think the first person to get bored would have been god .....after creating this earth and seeing that everythin is into place, he must have been damn bored with it and thats why left it to take care of itself and probably the reason for the state of the earth....so global terrrorism, poverty, warming, wars, famines all are due to the boredom of GOD....(hey iam not an atheist....just mulling things over)

I don’t know….and seriously I don’t want to know…I want you people to find out and comment upon it…..make it interesting and not boring please…


Viji said...

Being intelligent is the reason behind this boredom..a clever guy can never enjoy a thing for what it is...always search for a hidden meaning even when there is not one. Once he knows that there is no hidden meaning he will lose interest n gets bored..."man is the only animal capable of experiencing boredom."

definitely you will agree that I'm intelligent.

Viji said...

damn boring to see the same posting for quite some time.... waiting to read ur new post.....